Product Agility

“AI Ate My Scrum Master: Is Automation the Death of Human-Centered Agility?” (With Ade Shokoya): Scrum Day London 24 TalkInTen

June 21, 2024 Ben Maynard & Ade Shokoya
“AI Ate My Scrum Master: Is Automation the Death of Human-Centered Agility?” (With Ade Shokoya): Scrum Day London 24 TalkInTen
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Product Agility
“AI Ate My Scrum Master: Is Automation the Death of Human-Centered Agility?” (With Ade Shokoya): Scrum Day London 24 TalkInTen
Jun 21, 2024
Ben Maynard & Ade Shokoya

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Scrum Day London is our second conference of the year, and we’re thrilled to bring you more exciting episodes from this renowned event!

As we continue our TalkInTen series, we have a special episode featuring Ade Shokoya, an agile consultant, trainer, and coach, who explores the impact of AI on human-centered agility in his workshop titled "AI Ate My Scrum Master: Is Automation the Death of Human-Centered Agility?"

Ade on LinkedIn -

Here is the synopsis of Ade's Workshop:

This workshop will challenge the widespread enthusiasm surrounding AI in the world of Agile methodologies. While AI promises streamlined processes and efficiency, it also raises important questions about the future of Scrum’s core values.  We’ll explore:

The Potential Displacement of Key Roles: Could AI tools eventually automate tasks traditionally performed by Scrum Masters, Product Owners and Development Team, potentially eroding the human-centric focus of the framework?

The Loss of Intuition and Adaptability: As AI systems become more sophisticated, will we over-rely on their insights, potentially sacrificing the team’s ability to adapt and respond to changes organically?

The Importance of Soft Skills: Can AI truly replicate the essential ‘soft skills’ of a successful Scrum Master, such as facilitation, conflict resolution, and team motivation?

This workshop is for: Scrum Masters, Agile coaches, and anyone interested in the potential benefits and risks of incorporating AI into Agile practices.

Episode Highlights:

- AI in Agile: Explore how AI technology is being integrated into agile frameworks and its potential impact on traditional roles.

- Practical Demonstrations: See real-world examples of AI assistants designed to support Scrum Masters and Product Owners.

- Human-Centered Agility: Understand the balance between automation and the indispensable human touch in agile practices.

- Future Outlook: Gain insights into how AI can be leveraged to enhance efficiency and foster a more dynamic agile environment.

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Host Bio

Ben is a seasoned expert in product agility coaching, unleashing the potential of people and products. With over a decade of experience, his focus now is product-led growth & agility in organisations of all sizes.

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Ben Maynard




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Show Notes Transcript

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Scrum Day London is our second conference of the year, and we’re thrilled to bring you more exciting episodes from this renowned event!

As we continue our TalkInTen series, we have a special episode featuring Ade Shokoya, an agile consultant, trainer, and coach, who explores the impact of AI on human-centered agility in his workshop titled "AI Ate My Scrum Master: Is Automation the Death of Human-Centered Agility?"

Ade on LinkedIn -

Here is the synopsis of Ade's Workshop:

This workshop will challenge the widespread enthusiasm surrounding AI in the world of Agile methodologies. While AI promises streamlined processes and efficiency, it also raises important questions about the future of Scrum’s core values.  We’ll explore:

The Potential Displacement of Key Roles: Could AI tools eventually automate tasks traditionally performed by Scrum Masters, Product Owners and Development Team, potentially eroding the human-centric focus of the framework?

The Loss of Intuition and Adaptability: As AI systems become more sophisticated, will we over-rely on their insights, potentially sacrificing the team’s ability to adapt and respond to changes organically?

The Importance of Soft Skills: Can AI truly replicate the essential ‘soft skills’ of a successful Scrum Master, such as facilitation, conflict resolution, and team motivation?

This workshop is for: Scrum Masters, Agile coaches, and anyone interested in the potential benefits and risks of incorporating AI into Agile practices.

Episode Highlights:

- AI in Agile: Explore how AI technology is being integrated into agile frameworks and its potential impact on traditional roles.

- Practical Demonstrations: See real-world examples of AI assistants designed to support Scrum Masters and Product Owners.

- Human-Centered Agility: Understand the balance between automation and the indispensable human touch in agile practices.

- Future Outlook: Gain insights into how AI can be leveraged to enhance efficiency and foster a more dynamic agile environment.

If you enjoy the show, please leave a review!

Use code PRODUCTAGILITY24 for 15% off training courses at Sheev.

Sheev -

Host Bio

Ben is a seasoned expert in product agility coaching, unleashing the potential of people and products. With over a decade of experience, his focus now is product-led growth & agility in organisations of all sizes.

Stay up-to-date with us on our social media📱!

Ben Maynard




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Hello and welcome to the Product Agility Podcast. I'm your host Ben Maynard and for the next few days we have extra special episodes coming to you from Scrum Day London 2024. This event is a beacon for agile enthusiasts and professionals and I'm thrilled to bring you insights and new ideas from some of the brightest minds in the agile and product community. For those of you who are new to the podcast, the Product Agility Podcast is your go -to resource for practical tips, strategies, and stories from world -class products and agile thought leaders. Our goal is to increase your knowledge and motivation to experiment, so together we can create ever more successful products. Before we dive in, I'd like to thank our sponsor for this episode, Sheave. Sheave is my company, and we specialize in helping organizations simplify, focus, and align through embracing a product mindset. and using Agile as a means to drive success. Whatever your product or Agile challenge, learn about how Sheave can help your organisation thrive or extend out your own Agile journey at www .sheave .co .uk. That's S -H -E -E -V. And to get a whopping 15 % off of all of our courses, use the code PRODUCTAGILITY24 at the checkout. Now we have an exciting line of speakers from Scrum Day London 2024 who will be sharing valuable insights and practical tips for you to experiment with. So grab a pen and paper, perhaps a hot drink, and let's dive into a talk in 10. I'm here with Adé Shukoya, whose talk on AI8, well not even a talk, a workshop, even better. Something practically useful. AI8, my scrum master, is happening really soon, so thank you so much for taking this sliver of time out of your day. And I know it's hard. when you're going to be giving a workshop or a talk, you want to get your mind in the right space. So do take this opportunity to kind of prime your mind and prepare yourself for it. I say thank you very much for taking this time. Could you introduce yourself and an overview of what the workshop is about to our listeners, please? Sure. So first of all, thank you for the opportunity. Really appreciate that. So my name is Ade Shukoya. I'm an agile consultant, trainer, coach. I have been doing this close to, don't judge me. I'm coming up to about 20 odd years now, so yeah, I'm still young -ish. And yeah, so my talk today is going to be about how AI ate my scrum master. And it's just based on kind of, as many people will know, AI has become really big, really prevalent in our lives over the last at least year. And yeah, just sharing people my journey of actually learning how to use AI within the roles that I do. But also we're going to be looking at the wider impact because the reality is that AI is here to stay. AI is impacting everything. And the question we're asking right now, I'm going to be discussing is how is it going to impact the agile industry? How is it going to impact the roles like Scrum Master, product owners, BAs, developers and all that stuff? Because let's be honest, AI can do a lot of the stuff that we do. So what does that mean? Yeah, brilliant workshop. I need it, I think. I'm not going to bore the listeners because with my fortune all this time, I do this time. in time again, right? But I think AI can really help us and they can help us be more creative, I think. But then what you were saying there about some of the roles and activities, I mean, do you cover the, I said you do cover that in your workshop, the idea of displacement of roles and how AI is going to take, maybe take some of the things that we, I don't know, product owners, scrummasters on a daily basis, and do you think it's really going to take those responsibilities and those tasks away or is it going to augment? Like, how do you see? the future of AI in these roles then? I think that's a good question and I think that really, I mean I can expand that out wider. So here's what I think and predict will happen. I think those who recognise that AI is a tool that they can use to assist them are likely to survive and won't be replaced because they're going to need people to use it. I think the people are seeing on the sidelines and not knowing how to use it. they will come a place and time when they will be replaced. I think it's a bit like if you think about, and it might seem a bit silly now, but there was a time when you had to be able to show on your, on your CB that you could use Microsoft Office versus a typewriter. I think that's the same scenario that we're, we're going into right now. I like that. I don't see it as a typewriting skills, touch typing as a skill anymore. You know, my little boy said to me the other day, can you do touch typing? And I was like, do you know, I don't know if I can. I suppose I do. I remember when I was younger, Mavis Beacon's typing tutor was where I was at when I was learning typing, you know, but not anymore. I don't know if that's still a thing. I was reading your synopsis, your abstract, and I think it's really fascinating because you make a point here about does AI potentially erode the human-centric focus of the framework of Agile? During your workshop, how do you address that concern? How do you approach that topic? Yeah, as part of the workshop, I'll be actually demonstrating a couple of my AI assistants. So I've built a number of AI assistants that helped me in various things. Obviously, we're talking about Scrum and Agile, so I'll be sharing them one of the Scrum Master assistants. And I think that's another thing that a lot of people seem to miss, which is in lots of conversations, what comes up is people are at extremes. They think AI is going to do everything or AI is going to do nothing. And so I think that, yeah. What was the question again? Yes, yes, yes, yes. So we're going to be covering that. And I think the reality is this AI is really good at doing loads of things, right? It can process the speed of million times what a human being can. It can learn and decipher or break down information like, you know, in ways that we cannot, but it lacks the human side of it, which is the contextual side of it. It's the soft skills or whatever we want to call it, the human skills. And as we're hearing here, And as we've known for ages, agility is more than about processes and stuff. It's about the human touch. Especially now that we're in an age where I think some of the core basic principles of agility are kind of, most organizations in that now, right? It's more about the human side of things. So in direct answer to your question, I would say I don't think AI can replace the human side of it. It would just enhance all the other bits and pieces and it's going to require human beings to be able to therefore then put what that output is into context. based on the human side of things. Brilliant. So then if I think about the structure of your workshop and what you're going to be taking people through, what will the participants go through in the workshop? What's the beginning, middle and end of it? I mean, the beginning, middle and end of it will be, well, first of all, understanding what we mean by AI, AI at the highest level. And then I'll be demoing some of my AI assistants. Specifically, Scrum Master is a product owners and they give people a chance to actually see how these things work. We'll be having some discussions, some of the discussions we're having here for people to start talking and looking at actually what does this mean for the future. And then we'll be looking at a few different ways that people can start actually getting on board right now and preparing themselves or having access to AI assistance, specific AI assistance that will enable them to be able to do better in their roles. These AI assistants, these... But what are they? And how have you created them? Great question. So AI... Little people. Yeah, they're little people, right? I've made a load of them. There's a whole city. But no, but in effect, AI assistants are just kind of AI chatbots. I mean, if you look at like ChatGTP, right? In effect, that's an AI assistant, but it's a very advanced AI model. Okay? Now we have the ability to be able to create things like that. One of the big challenges you find with things like ChatGTP, they're very generalistic. So... Now we have the ability and the technology to create assistants which are targeted. So for example, my Scrum Master or Agile Assistant knows all about me, knows about all my talks, how I talk, the book that I've written, it knows all of that stuff, it understands my LinkedIn, it understands the work that I do, and so it's really tailored to me. It's there specifically, so I can ask it anything. within context or give it the context and it can at least give me a viewpoint. Of course as a human being I have to use my own personal experience to then decipher and break it down. But yeah, so that's what we're talking about now. Little assistance that can be developed which are bespoke to specific topics, areas and to individuals or businesses. So I've got others which actually are tailored to my businesses. So if I ask it to do marketing it understands my business enough to make it contextual. If I ask it to write me a proposal, it understands it's my business enough to do it contextually, specifically. So that's what we're talking about. Awesome. So you've created some custom GPTs. And I take it these are these private GPTs or are they available on the marketplace? So, these, I have the GPTs that you're talking about but I also have assistants which are outside of GPTs because GPT in itself is limited in what you can do with it but there's a number of platforms now where you can actually build them from scratch and just, yeah, do some really cool stuff so in answer to your question, yes in GPTP and outside of GPT and other platforms too. What are the other platforms? I think there was a bit of distortion there, say that again. So thank you for taking this time. We're kind of getting towards the end of our time together. Now you mentioned that you had you've written a book as well. Do you want to plug that quickly? Yeah, I can plug it but just for transparency is in 2010 so it's quite outdated. It's called Warthog to Agile, Practical Guide to Agile Transition and that goes back to kind of my views on things a lot of times I've never really kind of always just focus on the processes. I think human beings are very important to that process. But one of the great things about it, it's like I said, in my AI learning that it understands my thinking and where sometimes I'm known for thinking outside of the box or so it's just, yeah, that's all. Awesome. Well, we'll put your LinkedIn profile into the show notes so people can find you as well as the abstract from your talk. If people did want to contact you about maybe running this workshop internally or I just want to have a chat with you about anything we've spoken about, I take it they can contact you via LinkedIn? Yeah. Best thing is to contact me via LinkedIn and also one of the things that I'm going to be doing today in the workshop is actually showcasing a new platform that I've created. So basically it's a new platform which has customized AI assistants in there for agile professionals. So Scrum Masters, product owners, agile coaches, agile project managers, business analysts, whatever. It's got all the different kind of use cases and workflows and it's going to be adding all the time. that people can actually go in with little skill set or knowledge, they don't have to do all of that and it would just, you know, based on the prompts and stuff, provide them the output. So it will give them a lot. And what we're talking about here is, I mean, some of the assistance that I've been using, I'm getting anywhere from 20x upwards in terms of efficiency. So people will be able to have access to those things. Awesome. Well, I strongly recommend everyone who's listening to this, get some to LinkedIn, make sure you're following. Are they sending me a connection request? If you want to drop them a line or something, because it sounds really interesting. and I hope the workshop goes really well. I look forward to hearing the feedback from some of the people that attend. Ade, thank you very much for coming onto the podcast. Everyone, thank you very much for listening. We'll be back again soon.